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Something inspiring

I'm always looking for inspiration. I came across this quote today and I just love it. Seriously, it's a simple rule to live by that can be applied to every part of our lives. Its flexibility makes it easy to do because there's no limit to what that something is.

Naturally, the most obvious somethings that come to mind to do today are to exercise or eat right. Of course, your future self will reap the benefits of your healthy behavior.

Or, maybe it's watching your pennies today ... putting off that purchase, which means your future self might be more financially comfortable.

Or, maybe it's not so obvious. Maybe we need to look at this more broadly.

Maybe it's cleaning the bathroom today ... and your future self will thank you when unexpected company stops by tomorrow.

 Maybe it's reaching out to a friend you haven't spoken with in awhile. And your future self will have a stronger support system. Or, have made a difference in some unknown way for your friend.

Maybe it's trying something new -- a food you've been suspicious of, or a new hobby. You really don't have to do the same thing every day (exercise, cough cough) and then feel terrible when you just don't do it.

What matters is that every day brings a new opportunity to do something. A fresh start. Another chance. A chance to stick to that diet or get back in line after a snack-heavy weekend. Or a chance to something completely different. Whichever philosophy you follow, there's no right or wrong way. But your future self will surely thank you when you do something to make a difference today.
